Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big Boy Swing

This STILL is as close to me as Hadley will get!

Grandpa's Really are Great!

I got to spent time with 2 of mine this weekend!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

But, it sure does make for a mighty nice tub!

This duck's not just for the bath!


In addition to spit bubbles, Caeden likes normal bubbles too.


Today, Caeden met his cousins: Trevor, Ning and Natalie.
He thinks they are pretty cool and wishes they lived closer!

6 Months...

Now that I am moving, I won't sit still for anything: pictures, diaper changes, bath time or to put on my clothes. Mom is mastering pinning me down with one knee while changing me.
Currently I am obsessed with my tongue.
I am always sticking it out.
Another favorite is the grandpa missing denture smile.
In this one I'm throwing in a little tongue action for free!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I lick, therefore I am!

Butt's Up!

Drooling required!

I can get my booty into the air, but I just can't seem to figure out what to do with my arms!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pumpkins Part 2

I couldn't resist not posting these too!

My First Pumpkin Patch

I'm not too sure about being stuck in this wagon.
Where's the green one!?!? I liked it so much better.

I'm ready to crawl!

Check out Caeden practicing his new moves.
Soon enough he will be on the's a little scary.