Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shake, Rattle & Roll

I've found my hands and I am learning how to grab onto things!
Next stop: throwing them to the ground for everyone to fetch for me!

Monday, April 26, 2010

4 Generations of Crazy... I mean Bisceglia!

Mimi Comes to Town!

How many people do you know that have a picture with their GREAT grandmother?!? Mimi, thanks for making the trip down to Caeden! We love you!

Aunt Holly & Omie

We had a lovely time and lots of desserts visiting Omie with Aunt Holly!

All the Beautiful Parts!

Hands, lips & noses.... ready to be kissed!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Raise the Roof

Like father, like son... they both sleep with their hands above their heads!

What's wrong with this picture?

I'll tell you!
Mom should be napping, she's the one up all hours of the night!

Mastering the Pout

What do you think?
Pretty convincing, right?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hadley & Caeden

We are still getting to know each other!

Week 4

We'll pretend that most of the photo shoot was like this!

The reality is most of the pictures look like this!
Check out that cool blanket Aunt Pips made me!

My Cute "Little" Toes

Aren't these little guys cute??!?!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Having a little fun with the iPhone!

We are having some trouble downloading Caeden's 4 week photos,
but here's a little something in the meantime.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My First Bottle

Dad's a natural and Mom's breathing a sigh of relief!
She can smell a little bit of freedom!

Don't Forget about my Sister

Hadley's been a good big sister!
She's starting to realize that life will never be the same!

Hanging with Mom!

I am most comfortable and happy attached to the front of my mom. It takes me back to my days in utero and it gives my mom two hands!

Snoozing on the way to my Doctor's Appointment!

I am one big baby!

At 3 1/2 weeks,
I weigh in at 11 lbs 7oz and I'm 23 inches long!
I'm in the 95th percentile for both
height & weight!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tummy Time!

Check out my neck muscles!

Hoppy Easter!

Caeden's first Easter!
Next year we are looking to hide some eggs!

Swing baby... swing!

I'm a big fan of the swing, but only if I'm put in it before I'm hysterical!

Uncle Brett Comes to Town!

Thanks, Uncle Brett, for making the trip out here from Austin. I already love you!

Heather & Blake Come to Visit!

My cousins Heather & Blake both held me AND they didn't even drop me!